Saturday, April 23, 2011

Earn Fr0m The Internet

Attend the J0mar Hilari0s Breakthrough Seminar

What is break thr0ugh seminar? 
It is a breakthrough t0 anything that hinders y0u fr0m m0ving 0n with y0ur tr0ubled life.
It is a breakthr0ught t0 y0ur fears - whatever kind 0f fear, 0nly y0u kn0ws.
It is ab0ut facing your fears head on.
It's about making you realize that you have what it takes to ---
  1. Create a 2nd s0urce 0f inc0me via internet s0 y0u d0 n0t have t0 rely 0n y0ur w0rk inc0me 100%
  2. Create an internet business - a third s0urce 0f inc0me by creating 0nline st0res using supplied b0nus eb00ks (w0th P20k) y0u can sell
  3.P0pularize y0ur websites f0r greater inc0me and exp0sure t0 y0ur market. Start getting 0ut 0f the rat race via the internet

It's the 2nd in Manila and 3 overall (the other one was in Cebu) and now it's been modified to include a lot more workshop parts.
No computers needed. Just kwaderno at ballpen lang p0.
So be there on May 4, Wednesday (whole day) at Rosewood Pointe.
Few days to go before the Early Bird Discount for the Breakthrough Seminar in Manila is over.
Pay before April 21,2011 to avail of the low Early Bird price. 
Get your tickets here:
J0mar Hilari0 Breakthr0ugh Seminar

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